About the latest LPI 2018
The World Bank’s “Connecting to Compete”, or the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) report 2018, presents the latest worldwide view on trade logistics performance across over 160 countries as seen by logistics professionals. This information on e.g. logistics infrastructure, service provision and cross-border trade facilitation is invaluable for policymakers, traders and a wide audience of other stakeholders, including research and teaching.
The LPI survey data provides evidence on how “easy” or “difficult” these countries are to deliver general merchandise – typically manufactured products transported in unitized form. The six main indicators of the LPI summarize the assessments from logistics professionals worldwide trading with the country on a 5-point scale.

Here, logistics is understood as a network of services that support the physical movement of goods, trade across borders and commerce within borders; it comprises an array of activities beyond transportation, including warehousing, brokerage, express delivery, terminal operations, and related data and information management.
Logistics performance matters
Not surprisingly, an effective logistics sector has become recognized as one of the core enablers of development almost everywhere. These policies include e.g. the provision of transport infrastructure, regulations of services, implementation of controls especially for international goods, and the quality of public-private partnerships and policy dialogue.
Logistics performance is largely based on reliable supply chains and predictable service delivery available to traders. Global supply chains are becoming more and more complex, and the regulatory requirements on traders and operators become ever more demanding, be they motivated by safety, social, environmental, or other reasons. Efficient management and information technology solutions both in the private and public sectors are vital “tools of the trade” in high-quality logistics. The ability to manage logistics processes in today’s global business environment is a critical asset of national competitiveness.
Go to the LPI 2018 report and interactive website here.